Wednesday 12 May 2010

Dye Garden Plant List

Dye Garden Plant List

All of the following are available from spring up to late summer:

Alkanet - red dye to foods

Bloodroot - orange, rust, reddish pink

Bronze Fennel - clear yellow

Black-eyed susan - gold and dull orange, olive green

Coreopsis - yellow

Dyer's Broom - yellow

Dyer's Chamomile - yellow

Dyer's Coreopsis - gold, orange, rusty red

Dyer's Woad - blue

Dyer's Wood ruff - reds

Elecampane - Scottish tartan blues

Heather - golden orange

Hollyhock - yellow, gold, brown

Indigo - red, brick, coral

Lady Mantle - yellow

Purple Basil - dark browns

Rose Mallow - browns, black

Tansy - yellow/gold, olive green

Weld - yellow

Yarrow - yellow

Yellow Comos - orange

Wool found along Dunreggan Brae